
20-Watt Attenuator, Wall Mount, Stainless Steel, S-560

Clarity S-560 Attenuator

The S-560 permits changes to the audio level of speakers and horns without altering the speaker wiring connections. Tap the speaker for the maximum audio level required and use the attenuator to change the volume level. The attenuator features a stainless-steel plate with numbered scale and fits a single-gang electrical wall box. The attenuator controls a 20-Watt speaker load with a 10-position tap switch and operates on 25 or 70 Volt speaker lines or 45 Ohm talkback speaker applications.

  • Auto transformer type
  • Brushed stainless steel plate
  • 10 position switch plus 0 “off”
  • Wall mountable
  • Combination 25/70 V operation
  • 20-Watt power rating at 25/70 V
  • Ideal for 45 Ohm talkback circuits


Dimensions & Weight

4.50in H x 2.75in W x 2.13in D
(11.43cm x 6.99cm x 5.41cm)
1.00lbs (0.45kg)
Shipping Weight:
3.00lbs (1.36kg)


The S-560 can be in-wall or surface mounted using a single-gang electrical box.



Sales Managers

TerritorySales ManagerEmail
1Shari Dunlapsdunlap@valcom.com
2Jeff Knightjknight@valcom.com
3Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
4Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
5Troy Van Stonetvs@valcom.com
6Rick Hamiltonrlh@valcom.com
7Daryl Cooperdcooper@valcom.com
8Chad Hulsleychulsley@valcom.com
9Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
10Rob Walesrwales@valcom.com
11Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
12Geno Acostaefa@valcom.com
13Kent Brustkbrust@valcom.com
14Brian Bortzbbortz@valcom.com
15Osama Al Khoshmanokhoshman@valcom.com