
Weather Guard for Intercom Doorplate Speakers, Yellow, V-9910-YEL

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The V-9910 Weather Guard provides protection from precipitation and foreign objects which may compromise the operation of a doorplate speaker. The enclosure is made of steel with either a durable black or yellow powder-coated finish. (Not for V-1074 Surface Mount Intercom Doorplate.)

  • Protects from foreign objects
  • Rubber gaskets provides protection from precipitation
  • Sturdy steel enclosure


Dimensions & Weight

5.25in W X 5.38in H X 3.00in D
(13.34cm X 13.67cm X 7.62cm)
1.25lbs (0.56kg)


Sales Managers

TerritorySales ManagerEmail
1Shari Dunlapsdunlap@valcom.com
2Jeff Knightjknight@valcom.com
3Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
4Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
5Troy Van Stonetvs@valcom.com
6Rick Hamiltonrlh@valcom.com
7Daryl Cooperdcooper@valcom.com
8Chad Hulsleychulsley@valcom.com
9Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
10Rob Walesrwales@valcom.com
11Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
12Geno Acostaefa@valcom.com
13Kent Brustkbrust@valcom.com
14Brian Bortzbbortz@valcom.com
15Osama Al Khoshmanokhoshman@valcom.com